Monday, February 18, 2008

Sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled programming...

We take a break from Lost recaps (though Ep. 3 is coming soon, I promise) to bring you another top 5. As a newly christened tv blogger, I think it's fair to see some of my credentials, so I present the top 5 most influential tv moments in my life:

5. 1997-1999 -- Mystery Science Theater 3000 (seasons 8, 9, and 10)
I started watching this cult classic on Sci-Fi channel in elementary school. It's intelligent, irreverent, and just plain incredible. It can be seen as one of the first influences on me to direct witty comments at the tv screen. Or at least try.
4. Fall, 2005 -- Firefly
Starting college is an awkward time. New people, new place, trying to fit in. In those first nights away from home, my roommate asked me if I had ever watched a little known Joss Whedon show called Firefly. A space western, I was hesitant but intrigued. It turned out to be really damn good. And he and I bonded, huddled around the glow of his laptop computer, watching Mal evade the alliance. Kyle has proven, time and again, to have pretty impeccable tv tastes (of the shows that he's watched...his childhood catalog is a little sparse) and you should be hearing more from him anytime soon.
3. Spring 2004 -- Arrested Development
I was a senior in high school, bored on Sunday night. I was waiting for the simpsons to come on and caught part of Arrested Development. I thought, "maybe this will be good, I know it's a critical darling" but jumping into the middle of it was just the wrong move. All the self references were lost on me and I was quite confused in the chaos. I quickly changed the channel. It's a pity, because I think many people did the same thing except never went back.
Good news though AD fans:;_ylt=AuK7ETKJIdGTP7M9Gu47UVyAo9EF
2. Fall, 2005 -- Veronica Mars (season 2, episode 5, "Blast from the Past")
It was freshman year in college and I didn't really regularly watch network programming anymore (not since around junior high). But one night, a couple friends down the hall were having trouble with their cable so they came over to our apartment to watch tv. Lost was a rerun so we watched a little show on the WB called Veronica Mars at the request of my friend Julia. After that, I was hooked. I downloaded all the old episodes and we all watched it together, a real bonding experience that continued in watching several other shows together, ultimately inspiring this blag. Julia also is a very talented writer slash television reviewer and thought we don't always see eye to eye, her opinions are always with some merit. Hopefully, she too, will get something up on here.
1. Spring 1999 -- Seinfeld (season 9, episodes 23/24, "The Finale)
Above any others, Seinfeld was the show I was dedicated to watching. Must See tv really meant something to me and I religiously watched what can be considered one of the best shows ever made. When I first heard news that season 9 was the final one, I was a little heartbroken. And when I watched the finale, I was a little angry. The greatest show about nothing went out on, in my opinion, one of the weakest endings ever. I guess it had been built up so much, it was bound to fall on its face. But this moment was when I realized that even great tv shows can stumble. And when they do, say something so it doesn't happen again.

And there are 5 of the most influential moments in my tv watching 'career'
Feel free to post your own.
And good news, some Office recaps are on their way!

1 comment:

Julia York said...

Oh, Ryan, you know that the best way to get me to contribute is to pile on the compliments. 7 more hours until Mad Men is finished downloading...