Sunday, February 10, 2008

Top 5 of 2007

In my tradition of making top 5 lists, I thought I'd start this with a short top 5 list for 2007:

Top 5 television moments of 2007:
5. Kenneth leaving on a 'Midnight train to Georgia,' 30 Rock (season 2, episode 10 'Coffee and TV') - Admittedly, this aired 10 days into 2008, but was technically made in 2007. It marks the first return of real written television since this painful strike put a major cramp in my tv watching. Seeing it was so much fun and a reminder that tv could still be good.
4. Charlie's own top 5 list, Lost (season 3, episode 21 'Greatest hits') - Not only do I think it redeemed his sagging character and was some of Dominic Monaghan's best acting, it's a top 5 list! But seriously, Charlie was one of the few characters I felt I liked (R.I.P. Boone as well). Yes, I miss him.

3. House (season 4, episode 1 'Alone')

Janitor: Maybe it's lupus.

The meta reference had me rolling on the ground and simul-messaging everyone else watching it. It was a much better nod to the show's outrageousness than its later actual lupus case (season 4, episode 8). I also loved that House was bouncing ideas off of a janitor (a little more interesting than some of the contestants to come later in the season).

2. "The Humans are Dead" music video, Flight of the Conchords (season 1 episode 1) - It's hard to pick out one defining moment for this breakout show showcasing one of New Zealand's most clever folk parody duo, but a binary solo and sweet robot suits helped hook me into a show with some of the most quotable lines ever.

1. The Office (season 3, episode 23 'The Job')

Jim: Pam. [to camera] Sorry. [to Pam] Um, are you free for dinner tonight?
Pam: Yes.
Jim: All right. Then it's a date.
[Jim leaves. Pam smiles and tears up]
Pam: I'm sorry, what was the question?
I'm sorry, I am a huge Office fan and at this very moment, I probably screamed. 3 years of bad timing and high tension culminates in the cutest of moments. I know in the back of my head I was saying "I hope they can keep this up" but I ignored it, I was too happy.

I really wanted Veronica Mars to make this list but unfortunately, its weak third season ended not with a bang but with a whimper. Albeit, it left me praying for some form of follow up.

Maybe in good spirits, I'll start recapping Lost from its season premiere. Wish me luck.


Julia York said...

Can I claim rights to Office recaps? Or do I have to fight you for it?

Madelyn said...