Tuesday, April 14, 2009

4 Years of College 4 Years of Television

I've said it before, television has had a profound impact on my life. And these college years have certainly not been different.

For some reason, every semester of my college experience seems clearly represented by one tv show tied closely to friends.
Freshman year, Fall 2005
Veronica Mars
It's all been said before, so I'll be brief. This show was instrumental in making friends who would, for better or for worse, change my life. I am in debt to Kristen Bell and Rob Thomas for this wonderful show.

Freshman year, Spring 2006
Much like what VM did for me in the Fall, House did for me in the Spring. Memories of 3N are forever filled with masses huddled around the glow of a computer screen. Remember hanging out with people like Dana, Alex, and Devon?

Sophomore year, Fall 2006
The Office
A Benihana Christmas debuted during my very first (and very favorite) secret santa party. Classic memory.

Sophomore year, Spring 2007
I came back from winter break in love with superheroes all over again.

Summer 2007
Six Feet Under
I spent a lot of time alone in 3N that summer. I often spent entire days laying in bed watching this funeral home drama. It was a little depressing.

Junior year, Fall 2007
The West Wing
I may always be a sportsnight diehard, but this is when I started watching the greatest fictional president in the history of america. I am a little embarrassed to admit that Kyle and I watched episodes in our respective apartments at the same time, talking via AIM.

Junior year, Spring 2008
I started this blog, based on my love-hate relationship with lost this semester. I also made a lasagna and downed a bottle belvedere with friends while we tried to watch an episode once, to less than completely attentive results. Fun nonetheless

Senior year, Fall 2008
How I Met Your Mother
I guess this blends deeply into summer 2008 but I have fallen for this show, NPH's charisma (and illusions!), and the dream of having friends to always hang out in a bar with.

Senior year, Spring 2008
Battlestar Galactica
Kyle's favorite show has recently swept all of us up in it's dark storyline and engaging characters. And octogons. DVD is the greatest thing to happen to tv junkies like me since the vcr.

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